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The Massachusetts flag    
The Massachusetts flag was two-sided from 1908 to 1971. The current flag (above) bears the arms of the state on a white field. The arms show an American Indian holding a bow and arrow and a white star in the upper left of the shield. The state motto appears below it. The other side of the former flag had a green pine tree on a blue shield. The pine tree had been a traditional symbol of the state since the founding of the original colony.

The State Seal  
The state seal of Massachusetts has remained essentially the same since 1780, though details changed and were standardized in 1898. The arms, as on the state flag, include a crest (an arm holding a sword) and a ribbon with the state motto Petit Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem (By the Sword We Seek Peace, but Peace Only Under Liberty).

Here you can find some interesting information about state symbols. You can learn here about Massachusetts State animals, plants, dishes and so on. -  http://www.msp.umb.edu/symbols.html

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